Thursday, April 8, 2010

...and... he's... OUT!

I am helping out a friend today - she is out and about getting some very much deserved mommy time. This little one, who is my friend's oldest, was being very grumpy. I soon found out why! I sat down near him, attempting to photograph his cuteness but of course every time I picked up my camera and pointed it at him he got a little mad at me. So I left him alone and within minutes he was out! So adorable, you have to admit.
So of course I had to photograph more! How can I resist??

Their mom is also a photographer but since she is not a portrait photographer (and she is not comfortable with taking portraits) all her professional photographs of her children come from me! :)


Kate Lenahan said...

These are fantastic Mary!!

Mary White Photography said...

Thank you Kate! It helps when the models are adorable! ;)