Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A lifestyle portrait session with me

My style of photography is a combination of lifestyle portraits (photojournalism) and casual portrait photography. No two sessions are exactly alike. This means each session has a mind of its own and will result in its own photographs. There is no planning or expectations as far as the individual photographs are concerned. We plan the location (most likely your home), time and dress the children... and then the rest happens naturally! I am here to capture the moments as they happen and help celebrate your family in photographs.

Deciding on a location

  1. Your home. The best location for our session is your home. This allows us to take breaks when needed, change diapers, take a potty break, grab a snack in the kitchen or run upstairs to grab another change of clothing. Your yard may or may not be beautiful but we might be able make it work. We can take walks down the street, borrow a neighbor's yard (please ask ahead of time!) etc. Having your session at your home also allows us to take our time and relax.
Please have available:
  • handful of changes of clothes (or we can go in the closets together!)
  • snacks & drinks
  • basic needs for your child
  • toys, books, blankets.
  1. Family member's/good friend's home. If your home is not an option please consider a family member's home. This may be second best location. Here you are still relaxed and we are free to roam the house and yard as needed.
      Please bring:
  • Basic baby/child needs (diapers, wipes, snacks)
  • A handful of changes of clothing to choose from for each child.
  • Toys and books if the family does not have any for the child to play with.
  1. Outdoor public location. An outdoor public location is also a choice but not the best choice. At a location there is only so much we can do and your family can only relax to a certain degree. Please avoid: playgrounds, crowded locations and also avoid locations with no or only partial shade. If your child is potty trained please select a location with a bathroom or bring a potty with you in the car for an emergency potty break. Please select a location with a very large area of grass with full shade.
Please bring:
  • Blanket(s) to rest on
  • Chair for older members if needed
  • Toys, bubbles, favorite books, balls... etc.,
  • Enough drinks and snacks for each child/member
  • Diaper bag if your child requires one
  • Wipes: for any age to wipe up messy faces after snack or if they get dirty.
  • A handful of changes of clothing to choose from for each child.
  • Remember: it is better to be over prepared!
What to wear
Choose clothing that will add texture and depth to your images. Be creative! If you are lost as far as what to dress your children in you are welcome to wait for my arrival and I will look through the closets with you!

Suggestions/example outfits:
  • Jeans and bare feet
  • Just overalls (no shirt or shoes)
  • Bathing suits
  • If it is cold out, layer clothing with different patterns etc.
  • coming soon: a blog entry on “what to wear” with example outfits!
  • Don't be shy to break out the fun winter hats and mittens, cute hooded sweatshirts, and also don't be afraid to layer and add texture and color to the outfits.
Avoid: logos, text, characters, way too busy patterns, and dressy clothing.

Don’t forget about you! If you have a baby or toddler you most likely will make it in a few photos yourself, so make sure you are ready!

I will be encouraging multiple wardrobe changes if your child is okay with it! :)

The session
An important thing to remember is that our session will be treated more like a play session than a photo session. I will not be posing or asking anyone to do anything unnatural (unless we are attempting family portraits which I will get to later on). So cheesy smiles or poses will be avoided and discouraged. We want to create images of your child that represent who your child is! :)

I might ask your child “do you want to swing on your swing?” or “ooh look at all those bubbles, wow! Can you run through them?” this is so that I am keeping their attention and not letting them get bored with me. I am there to play and have fun!

Family portraits
We will attempt a family portrait at the beginning or end of the session if the moods of children allow for it to happen. I will select a location for you and your family to either sit or stand. If I am not asking you to look at the camera please just interact as a family. When I ask “ok everyone look here!” that is when I will ask that you look at the camera and smile – don't worry about the kids, I will be getting their attention, just keep smiling at the camera! :)

We are finished with our session. Now what?
Check your e-mail for notification that your min site is ready! If you hardly ever check your email and would like me call you when it is ready, please let me know! I will send you the link to your mini site in about 7-10 days.

Feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have!

Thank you and I look forward to our sessions together!

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