Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A little behind on posting!!

Ok so I have not been posting any images lately! So here it goes!!

Here is a little guy who I have been photographing since he was a newborn :).  His brother too! 

Working on my newborn portraits.... :)

I babysat this sweet little girl for a short period of time when she was a baby.  She is such a doll!!

Another newborn! I had a lot of newborns this year :).  With this little one (like most newborns) I spend hours with the family, taking lots of breaks to eat and change... we finally got her to calm down and got some beautiful images of her sleeping!

I have known the mother of this family since we were kids! It was so amazing to see her as a mom, she is such a beautiful mother! <3

This sweet, wonderful family includes their sweet Great Danes in their family portrait days! :) Such sweet dogs! This was the second session that I had with them this year :)

I had such a fun time with this family running around their beautiful yard! Adorable, fun kids! We took a snack break and a few wardrobe changes! :)

This little girl was soooo funny! So happy and giggly!! She kept asking me to play with her and I felt bad because I had to stay behind the camera! I played as much as I could!!

I hope to keep up with my posts now.... it is so hard keeping up with my website, my Facebook business page and this blog!!

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