Friday, June 18, 2010

I am always updating my website and logo!!

Call me crazy but I am always changing my mind with my website! I think I get sick of looking at the same thing all the time and need a fresh look from time to time! :) In case you haven't seen it, here is my new splash page!!
I took one of the leaves and made them into buttons for the splash page.

Do you like the new logo? And no, I did not pay a designer to make it - I did it myself! So very proud of it! (I am sure I will change it in some way soon, knowing me!)
And speaking of changing my mind - here is the current new look of the site:

And here is what I am thinking of changing it to (slight change - move the logo to the left a but and put some description text on the right): (click on it to view the actual preview)

I was thinking of also incorporating "New Hampshire" in the text but I don't like to limit the locations - if someone in Florida wanted to hire me they are more than welcome to fly me down!! ;).  But should I put "New Hampshire based...." or something? Should I just leave the site as is? The reason I am thinking of changing it is because to me the logo on the top looks awkward in the center.  I dunno, what do you think??

1 comment:

Mary White Photography said...

and of course now that I am looking at the two together I am thinking the original without the text looks just fine!