Friday, June 25, 2010

NEW - Mini Sites!!

I am so excited about this!!! I am now offering Mini Sites to my clients.  What are Mini Sites you ask? :) Well, once you see the sample Mini Site, you will have all your questions answered (I hope!)  But in case you want to read all about it right here in this blog entry, here is the text straight from the "About Mini Sites" page on the sample site:

Mini Sites are designed to make things easier for my clients. When your images are ready to be viewed, I will send you a link to your Mini Site. Your Mini Site will contain:

~ A link that will take you directly to your proofs gallery
~ A link that will take you directly to your purchasing storefront
~ An "about our session" page that will tell a little story how our session went
~ If I made one, there will be a link to a blog entry of our session (for those of you who sign a release form).
~ A guestbook for friends and family to sign! 

This Mini Site makes it so much easier to share with friends and family!!

"We got our portraits taken! Go to our mini website: !!"

Your Mini Site domain will be something like "jenn&" or "" or whatever I can come up with! :)

A few more notes:

~ The home page will contain up to 20 of your photos (I will select my favorite to post) So there is no need to pass out your password** to show off your images!!
~ Your Mini Site will be up for two weeks - it will expire along with your gallery and purchasing site.
~ Returning clients: if you have a session with me at least once per year your site name will not change.* 

*Mini Sites are in the trial period as of June 25th 2010. Any feedback is appreciated!

**Passwords are required to login to your private gallery to view all your images and also your private purchasing storefront. It is up to you who you give your password to but keep in mind they are able to also access your storefront to purchase images. If you would like a separate password for your storefront to keep to yourself, you may request this. 

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